22. October 2013 09:08 /
By Nanak Flights
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You can be sure to find the cheapest tickets when you make Nanak Flights your partner for booking online. With our special features, great rates and unique business model we pass savings and convenience on to you. Check millions of flights to all major destinations with the click of a button and rest assured you're saving money when you book.

Nanak Flights has some key features that we've designed to help you get more from your online bookings while saving money, starting with our special Price Drop Guarantee: If the cost of your air ticket drops after you purchase it from us, Nanak Flights will give you up to a $100 credit to spend on the next flight you book with us. Airline ticket prices can fluctuate daily and with our guarantee you don't have to worry if you find out the price has dropped later. No more wishing you had waited until the last minute to purchase. We think that's handy!
More than that, you get a $5 gas card for every ticket you buy from us. Redeemable at your choice of major gas stations in Canada, this gas card makes the difference by saving you money at the pump. Each ticket you purchase earns you an additional $5 on the card, so if you purchase 5 tickets you'll receive a $25 gas card! Watch the savings add up.
As always, we are fully Canadian owned and guarantee you safe online shopping with SSL security. We have excellent customer service and can help you by phone as well.
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22. October 2013 08:56 /
By Nanak Flights
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The new Nanak Flights Blog exists to provide you with the latest news and updates on travel, vacations, hotels, and services offered by Nanak Flights to get you the best deals on cheap flights.
Our team of seasoned professionals have been working in the airline sales industry for years and have achieved great success helping clients book flights by phone, and we now bring this expertise to the web. With the Nanak Flights website you can search through millions of fares that are updated minute-by-minute from all major airlines. You can book online or call us by phone ( 1-855-722-9977 ) to let us help you find the best price on your trip.
Don't waste time searching through the competition's confusing websites. Save your time and your money with us. We are TICO certified and all online transactions are secured by SSL to ensure your privacy and safety.
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