Nanak Flights Blog

How To Choose Perfect Holiday Destination Out Of Many

So, where do you want to go for your next holiday? India, USA, Victoria, Hawaii or Dubai?

Planning a perfect holiday sometimes is not as easy as a walk through the garden. Especially when you get plenty of choices for cheap flights at, choosing a perfect holiday destination gets even tougher.

When you can’t choose, you are usually afraid to commit.

So, don’t let the paradox of choice trounce your travel plans. We are here to help you overcome the choice overloads. Here is our concise guide on how to choose perfect holiday destination and book cheap flight tickets without much anxiety:

1. Appreciate Variety

You must appreciate the available variety. The list of places you want to see or visit will only increase with passing time. The more you travel, the more you will have desire to see new places. You need not fight it. Don’t keep staring at the map and do not let the variety intimidate you. Just recognize your desire to travel.

2. Know Where You Want To Go

Make a list of places you want to visit right now. You may write down the name of the top holiday destinations that immediately strike your mind. You may be attracted to places that are culturally different or to the places you have never been before.       Just prepare a random list.

3. Which Time Of The Year Is It?

People generally go on holiday at a time when the weather is pleasant at their chosen destination. For example, if it is summer, you will want to go to a place with beaches and gardens. So, you can instantly strike out the places in your list that would not have enjoyable weather at the time of your visit.

4. Consider Time In Hand

Time is one of the most important considerations while selecting the holiday destination. Look at the calendar and your schedule; see how much time you can spare for holiday – a week or two, a month or more than that.


5. Work The Time & Size Proportions

The length of your travel must be proportional to the size of the country or city you are planning to visit. If you only have a few weeks time, do not plan visiting large countries such as India or China. Try exploring smaller place more deeply in a short time period.

6. Look For The Cheap Flights

Finally, when you have decided the destination, it’s time to look for cheap tickets & flights. After a bit of list making exercise, it is pretty easy to shun off the paradox of choice and finalize a perfect holiday destination.

There of course are some other important considerations for choosing a destination like are there any senior members or kids accompanying you? Or what is your budget etc. But, above pointers would certainly take you in a right direction when it comes to selecting a perfect holiday destination.

Don’t feel daunted by the choices because you will always have too many places to see but little time to spend. Make your choice logically for finding the fittest destination and just book your trip.

Connecting Your Children With Nature: Top Outdoor Activities

Taking cheap flights to your favorite destination for a holiday does not only mean visiting popular tourist spots and capturing every moment. It is also a perfect time to teach your kids about natural surroundings and connect them with nature. Watching birds at the backyard or watching whales come and go– there are many simple outdoor activities that you can involve your kids with in order to make them feel the charm of nature and come closer to it.

While you book cheap flight tickets for the next holiday, ensure full nature fun for our children with our suggested activities. Here are some of the top activities to be tried when you are in a wonderful natural surrounding with your children on your next trip:

Set Up A Simple Birdfeeder

Birds are easy to attract. Make a simple bird feeder in a bowl, fill it with some seeds/grains and hang it on a tree. Your children would be able to see birds come and feed. They can even see amazing aerial acrobats of the birds as they fly up, down, sideways, backwards and forward.

You may even ask your kids to make nectar by mixing one part of sugar with four parts of water. Assign your kids the responsibility to timely refill the feeder. This will evoke a sense of achievement in kids.

Go For A Flashlight Hike

Take your children for a walk through nature during dusk or after it is dark with a flashlight. This could be a fun hike for kids as they could see eyes of birds and animals shining in the dark.

Hold the other end of the flashlight near your chin and shine the light on the path. Since the eyes of insects, animals and birds are reflective, you see them twinkling in the dark. Who knows, they could spot an owl, a spider or a raccoon in their natural habitats.

Make An All Natural Tiara Or Bracelet

Use a wide masking tape roll to make a loose fitted tiara or bracelet for your children. Make sure that sticky side is out. Tie them around your child’s head or wrist and go for a hike with them to a local park or camp site.

Encourage your child to pick up flowers, petals, leaves or other natural stuff to embellish the beautiful all natural tiara/bracelet.

Have Fun With Colors Of Nature

It is so easy to play & have fun with colors of nature. You can make small cue cards leading to a treasure hidden somewhere in the park. Include simple nature related questions in the cue cards to make it more interesting.

 Or, play with colors of the nature. Ask your children to find a natural object of particular color say deep red or purple.

Since it is in their innate character, children would love exploring and learning about natural world. And you as a parent would truly be amazed to see your children having fun and feeling adventurous at a park or during your trip.

We have cheap tickets & flights available of many such green destinations across the world that let your children get closer to nature and connect with it eternally. Just visit to book your natural escape into one of such destinations.

Let The Life Take A Pause: Enjoy Slow Traveling

It is a common scene to see people in frenzy especially when they are traveling overseas. Travelers are often found searching for cheap flights in a fury, gulping food in a hurry to step out of the hotel, running from one location to other, going crazy to take pictures out of a moving train or a bus and not going to stop until you have done everything… seen everything.

While traveling, you may want to maximize every single minute you get but at a point, you must realize that less is sometimes more. You need to slow down a bit and take a pause. Once you do, you will become a fan of slow traveling; here’s why:

Enjoy Every Moment

Slow traveling is like having a warm cup of coffee and enjoying every sip of it. Feel it on your palate and let loose yourself in the earthy flavor. Like developing a taste of coffee, slow travel is too about cultivating an attitude.

Rather than jumping from one location to other, take time to savor the destination. Don’t be the panicked sightseeing spree; let the essence of the place linger on your heart for long.

Have Absolutely No Agenda

When you book cheap flight tickets to your preferred destination, slow traveling is a choice that you make. It is a state of mind when you decide whether you want a strictly scheduled day or just want to discover the destination on the go.

Make an impromptu plan and let yourself be guided by your interests that were never discovered before in the hustles of daily routine. Take a walk around the vineyard or through a village without any guide. Enjoy your holiday without any agenda constantly striking in your head.

Go For Experience & Not Sightseeing

Travel should not only be about sound and sights. You got to live the whole experience. Enjoy a chocolate course or go for a beer tasting round. Pick up fresh peaches or strawberry by your hands or hear a ghost story from a local. Find little passageways between the main roads or just take a fun ferry ride.

Focus On People

During travel, focus more on people and conversation. Places you visit are made of its people. Converse with the cab driver, fellow travelers, kids in the park or listen to the stories your travel guide has to tell. Step into any club, bar or market and just start a conversation; you will feel instant connect with people. They will truly enrich your travel experience with their interesting conversations.

Slow travel may make you feel a bit low paced or lazy but you will still love it. You can still feel thrilled and entertained without any rush.

So, do not sprint across million other websites looking for cheap tickets & flights, just relax and book cheapest air tickets with us at right now and set up for a fun filled slow travel experience.

It is a common scene to see people in frenzy especially when they are traveling overseas. Travelers are often found searching for cheap flights in a fury, gulping food in a hurry to step out of the hotel, running from one location to other, going crazy to take pictures out of a moving train or a bus and not going to stop until you have done everything… seen everything.

While traveling, you may want to maximize every single minute you get but at a point, you must realize that less is sometimes more. You need to slow down a bit and take a pause. Once you do, you will become a fan of slow traveling; here’s why:

Enjoy Every Moment

Slow traveling is like having a warm cup of coffee and enjoying every sip of it. Feel it on your palate and let loose yourself in the earthy flavor. Like developing a taste of coffee, slow travel is too about cultivating an attitude.

Rather than jumping from one location to other, take time to savor the destination. Don’t be the panicked sightseeing spree; let the essence of the place linger on your heart for long.

Have Absolutely No Agenda

When you book cheap flight tickets to your preferred destination, slow traveling is a choice that you make. It is a state of mind when you decide whether you want a strictly scheduled day or just want to discover the destination on the go.

Make an impromptu plan and let yourself be guided by your interests that were never discovered before in the hustles of daily routine. Take a walk around the vineyard or through a village without any guide. Enjoy your holiday without any agenda constantly striking in your head.

Go For Experience & Not Sightseeing

Travel should not only be about sound and sights. You got to live the whole experience. Enjoy a chocolate course or go for a beer tasting round. Pick up fresh peaches or strawberry by your hands or hear a ghost story from a local. Find little passageways between the main roads or just take a fun ferry ride.

Focus On People

During travel, focus more on people and conversation. Places you visit are made of its people. Converse with the cab driver, fellow travelers, kids in the park or listen to the stories your travel guide has to tell. Step into any club, bar or market and just start a conversation; you will feel instant connect with people. They will truly enrich your travel experience with their interesting conversations.

Slow travel may make you feel a bit low paced or lazy but you will still love it. You can still feel thrilled and entertained without any rush.

So, do not sprint across million other websites looking for cheap tickets & flights, just relax and book cheapest air tickets with us at right now and set up for a fun filled slow travel experience.

The Amazing Benefits Of Traveling: Get Inspired

If you want to know one little secret of having more joy in life - we would advise you to travel more.

By traveling more, we don’t mean booking cheap flights for a pre-planned vacations or visiting your friends and family. We mean going to some new places and let the life show what surprises, adventures and experiences it has in store for you.

Traveling is amazing in many ways. But, many of us wait till later years of our life to explore the world. Here, we want to inspire you to travel more through some beautiful travel quotes and some amazing benefits of traveling. So, get set to take a leap:

You Will Discover A Purpose

“The farther I travel, the closer I am to myself.” – Andrew McCarthy

While traveling, you are exposed to a whole new world, much different than what you have lived in your hometown. You see new places, people, cultures and lifestyles. All this brings an innovation in your life and you discover a new purpose.

If you ever find yourself confused about what you want to do with your life, or when you need to rediscover your purpose in career or educational field – go on traveling. You will be surprised to discover a new self and a new sense of purpose.

You Will Love Your Home Even More

“Experience travel, these are as education in themselves.” - Euripides

When you are away from your home especially in a remote place like a little village in Fiji or camping without electricity, you become more appreciative of the things or luxuries you have at your home.

Traveling to places that make us realize and appreciate what we already have in our lives can often spark something inside us to support people live a quality life. You learn importance of every little thing in your life and hence you are motivated to conserve them.

You Would Realize How Little You Know

“To travel is to discover that everyone is wrong about their countries.” – Aldous Huxley

You can break many of the myths by traveling. You will discover how great it can be to become friends with strangers. They can even go out of their ways to help you out in any way. As you travel, you will realize that most of the things you had ever heard about a country are either totally wrong or different.

You Will Feel Connected With Humanity

“If you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion and avoid the people, you might better stay home.” – James Michener

Traveling is not just about booking cheap flight tickets to a place and go there unambiguously. It means aligning yourself with new culture, people and lifestyle. Your whole perspective of looking at the world would change positively.

If you try to notice, you would know that we all are same. We all share similar needs no matter where do we come from or what our background is. You will learn to accept and understand the beautiful gifts life has to offer you.

So, do not fill yourself with regrets like “I wish I had…”; get your feet out so you can say “I am happy that I did…”

You can now book cheap tickets & flights to your preferred destinations at with price drop guarantee.

Less Hassle & More Savings To You

Announcing The IATA Certification

At Nanak Flights, we rigorously work to make your traveling hassle free and much affordable. In our endeavor to offer cheap flight tickets to your preferred destinations, we introduced many ground breaking deals such as price drop guarantee and assurance of cheapest flights. In the same stride, we have added yet another accomplishment to serve you better with even more savings!

We are now both – IATA & TICO Certified!

These accreditations ensure that all our services are handled by qualified and well trained professionals with full competence and reliability. It also allows us to offer options available with best tourism groups and other related companies from the industry.

How It Means More Savings To You

With IATA & TICO approval, we guarantee lowest and cheapest worldwide flight tickets for international and domestic bookings. We bring you discounted air fare on our website with plenty of travel expertise and customer friendly distribution strategies.

We are available to serve you 24X7 with our all exclusive deals from best airlines coming as direct feed from airline reservation and ticketing system. This system allows us to offer cheapest possible airline tickets through our website and mobile app.

At Nanak Flights, we not only help you book cheap tickets & flights but we also get you all the required information such as seat availability, discounted airfares, flight timings and other travel related information directly from the airline reservation and ticketing system. This ensures that you get reliable information with assurance of lowest available ticket price.

It’s All Hassle Free

We are available to assist you 24X7 whenever you need. We have over hundreds of cheap airfares on your preferred airlines around the world. Our website uses advanced ticketing and booking technology that gives you an easy hand on all the information you need in just a few clicks.

Through our user friendly website, you may also book tickets 30, 60 or even 90 days in advance for international or domestic travel. It becomes all so easy and affordable with us because we cover you with our exclusive price drop guarantee.

As we also are TICO certified, this means, we make your traveling more secure and safe. TICO is a no-profit organization that enforces Ontario travel industry act and it also administers industry-financed travel compensation fund. So, you can travel with full peace of mind with us. We maintain a healthy balance between our prime services and your utmost satisfaction.

Keep Flying & Saving With Us

It is our sincere mission to serve, represent and lead the travel industry. Our IATA & TICO accreditations greatly empower us to serve you with complete excellence and cheapest flight tickets across the world.

So, just relax and plan exciting travel to the unexplored places while we take care of all the rest. Visit us to book cheapest and safest air tickets to your favorite places. Your travel wishes now have wings to fly high with our cheap flights available right here.

How To Enjoy A Tech-Free (Almost) Vacation

Booking cheap flights to your favorite spot and enjoying a family vacation is a great way to refresh your relations with spouse and kids. But, connecting with family members can be tough if you keep plugged to your electronic devices all day & night.

In real life, we all are deeply enmeshed with our electronic devices and media but family vacation is a time to have more face time with your family members. On a family vacation, even if you decide to leave your tab or laptop at home, you won’t really miss them much because you would still have ways to do important stuff. For example, you will have your smartphone to look out the hotel reviews before going out for dinner or you can use the devices available at the business center of the hotel to book cheap flight tickets for further journey.

Here are our best strategies to help you enjoy almost a tech-free vacation:

Limit The Usage Of Your Tab Or Laptop

The plus side of bringing your laptop or tablet to a vacation is that you can watch your favorite movies in the car or enjoy fun apps during the flights. Although your smartphone is an excellent device to kill out the boredom while commuting, it’s a good idea to limit the usage or decide a particular place and time for the screen viewing.

Try The Day/Night Rule

To limit the technology use, set the day/night or inside/outside rule like it’s allowed to check the phone and other devices only during the night or only when you are inside the hotel. Daytime is for outside adventure, playing, shopping and spending great time with your loved ones; so, it is better to leave your devices at the room.

If You Can’t Go Without Music

Music is the fun part of any vacation. You can ask your family members to download their personal music lists and share them on a single device. This way, everyone would not need to carry separate devices to enjoy their favorite tracks.

Pack Handy Family Games & Ditch The Video Games

Kids would love to play Uno, apple to apple or other card games with you on the go. Games like car bingo and mad libs fit easily in your carry bag too. If nothing else, enjoy the pleasant charade game to involve everyone and have fun.

Be Friendly

Kids, especially young ones may feel the desire to connect with their friends over Facebook or theyy may want to share vacation photographs over Instagram or Snapchat. You must respect their desire to digitally communicate with friends. Allow them to use the phone only for limited time period after day activities have ended up at the night.

Get The Local Fix

Instead of every family member watching their favorite program or flick on separate devices, break the solo experience and go for a family outing. Watch a movie in the theatre or enjoy a family dinner at a good restaurant. Get involved with the locals to collect some awesome memories to last forever.

If this inspires you to pack some affable stuff (less techonolgy) and get out for a fun family vacation, we get you cheap tickets and flights to your preferred destinations available just at a click.

Discovering The Cultural Side Of Victoria

Victoria is a vibrant capital city of British Columbia perched on the tip of the Southern Vancouver Island. This city is home of several well maintained gardens, historical sites, art galleries, large and small museums. Cheap flights to Victoria are booked all round the year by many people to experience the cultural wealth of this place.

Let’s discover best of Victoria’s cultural side:

The Inner Harbor Of Victoria

Victoria’s inner harbor has everything to charm you whether you want to stroll along the causeway or watch the interesting acts of street entertainers. On your trip o Victoria, when you need a break from city hustle, just enjoy watching whales at the harbor or watch the boats coming and going against the beautiful backdrop of 19th century architecture.

Enjoy a horse-drawn carriage ride in your leisure or shop at the independent eclectic shops with century old front décor to get the real taste of Victoria’s rich culture.

Royal BC Museum

It is a spectacular museum that preserves natural and human history of British Columbia. Victoria’s vivid culture is preserved in their realistically immersive galleries and museums like this.

Get thrilled to see the giant mammoth straight from the ice age come alive in the natural history gallery.

Visit Totems Pole

For about 75 years, the Thunderbird Park has nestled the collection of totem poles of Royal BC Museum. Although the original totem poles have been shifted indoor to protect the heritage but you can view the replicas of the poles currently set for outdoor display at the park.

These replicas have been carved at the onsite carving studio under the supervision of master carver Mungo Martin.

Experience the Old World Charm Of Victtoria’s Architecture

Victoria has an inimitable charm of old world. This beloved sense of old time pushes a lot of people to book cheap flight tickets to Victoria every year. You will immediately get charmed by the rich historical architecture that has been well preserved by the locales throughout the city.

The best of period architecture can be seen in the famous buildings like the parliament building and the Fairmont Empress Hotel both present at the inner harbor. Other than these, there also are few other must-see buildings like cathedral churches, historic mansions and several castles. To experience a good cultural example, visit Canada’s oldest china town in Victoria.

A whole bunch of museums and art galleries of Victoria are also a great source to learn more about this city’s cultural scene.

Go watching birds or join a whale watching tour or simply take a tour through this spectacular city appreciating the amazing architecture dated back to the 19th century - Victoria has something to charm everyone.

It doesn’t matter if you are planning to visit Victoria single, with family or with a group of friends, Victoria has a lot to be revealed. If you love discovering culture and history associated with a place, Victoria is the best city to explore. The good thing is that you can easily book cheap tickets and flights right here.  

Things Never To Pack For A Vacation

Planning a vacation? You have cheap flights to your preferred destination booked and you think that your job is finished? Think again!

Packing stuff for vacation is yet another massive part of planning vacation (after booking cheapest air tickets) that tests your smartness. The key is in packing your things smart, not hard.

Sometimes, you may have urge to pack things for unexpected events but packing a lot of what-if stuff can enormously add to the weight. Moreover, it is more a hassle to unpack a lot of things after long vacation just to realize you have not used more than half of the things in your luggage.

You can easily avoid this hassle by never packing things you would never need. Here is our list of such things:

Too Many Hair Care Products

Your hair of course is special and you want to treat them best on your vacation. But packing too many hair products like a shampoo, conditioner, pomade, comb, rollers, hair spray and more would get a bit aggressive.

Especially if you are staying in a good hotel, you will get complementary shampoo and conditioner to do the job quite well. In case you have to, consider packing small handy pouches of everything. Pack only a comb and brush for hair styling.

Hair Dryer

Women generally are sensitive on topic of their hair but carrying a hair dryer is not a good idea at all. Even the compact style hair dryers take pretty much of packing space. Most of the hotels have hair dryers for their guests to use complementary.

In any odd case, if your hotel does not provide the hair dryer, let your hair dry naturally in air. Believe us that looks fantastic and after all, you are on a vacation.

Extra Pair Of Shoes

For a vacation, all you need for your feet is two pair of shoes at the max. Don’t overweigh by packing different shoes with every dress. Make wise choices and only pack two pair of shoes that are comfortable, versatile and compact.

Workout Gear

There are a few diehard fitness freaks who cannot live without working out but rest of us may not even think of working out on a vacation. So, why pack that excess baggage for workout gear?

When you are saving some money on cheap tickets & flights, save some space too and leave the workout gear at home.

Additional Camera Accessories

Would you use that tripod ever that has taken plenty of bag space? And that extra flash..would you need them? And what about those different lenses? Getting photographs worthy to be posted on social networks is important but you can get decent photographs with a normal digital camera and even with your smart phone. Never pack such bulky stuff.


Bundling towels for every single family member or person traveling with you is ridiculous especially when your hotel do provide enough of them; and if they don’t…change your hotel!

Now that you have a clear idea of how to reduce packing hassles by never packing above (and more) unnecessary items, just get the cheap flight tickets to a fun destination booked right now and set on for a hassle and weight less vacation.